Votum Sanguinis Top Image

Votum Sanguinis Top Image

Monday, November 4, 2013

My Hotmail Account Does Not Exist - Microsoft Lost My Trust

After 13 years having my email account with Microsoft, I found that my email address does not exist any longer. No password recovery. No support from Microsoft.
All I can say it's a warning for a corporation that is decaying in its own terms and services. And I think you should consider other options instead of placing your trust and confidence in Microsoft.
This company is like an old biological organism, like a dinosaur growing and ready for extinction because it does not fit in a technological environment any longer. Their products and services do not have customer satisfaction and they know they are degenerating as their shareholders struggle to reorganize an structure that cannot be fixed.
So, I am not alone in this, Microsoft left 22 millions of complaints  (search Google stats) from 2012 rebranding their new Outlook.com hoping people continue with them. Customers know better about lies and they cannot be deceived! Good bye Microsoft!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Cinderella Slipper Font - Good Typography For Wedding Movie Titles

Cinderella Slipper Font is a professional alphabet typeface designed from Disney’s original movie poster to give your wedding movies titles a vintage glamour look. Don’t settle for Arial or Helvetica in your wedding movies. Your one life events should be memorable.
The font is commercial and you can purchase it with a license using PayPal’s credit cards. If you’re a photographer, I’m sure your clients would appreciate your style. For details on how to get my professional work, contact me – darkvotum@gmail.com
Here’s a great example of Cinderella Slipper font in Technicolor finish. Enjoy it and thanks for your consideration.

Cinderella Slipper Font - Wedding Movie Title Typography