Votum Sanguinis Top Image

Votum Sanguinis Top Image

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Curse US Food and Drug Administration For Your Cavities, Teeth Loss and Periodontal Gum Disease

I recently got complete dentures and I regret it. Why? Because after spending all my life thousands of dollars in dentist visits I could not save my teeth.
After a lot of thinking, I realized that the culprit was all the sugar that is added to American foods and a government agency called US Food and Drug Administration that allows food companies to add this poison without restrictions. So, if you have cavities, teeth loss and gum disease due to Streptococcus bacteria growing in a sugary environment in your mouth you can rightly blame the US FDA as your enemy.
It was not enough to be in a healthy diet, cleaning teeth, brushing three times a day and using unlimited dental floss because the hidden poison was there to please your taste in most foods manufactured in the United States.
And the worst part was the US FDA is an intentional  partner to all the food companies killing your dental health. No wonder there are more than 30 millions of Americans victims wearing partial or complete dentures. It is a big business and a hidden national conspiracy.
To prove this, take a look at what we call plain Yogurt under the category of healthy food that according to US FDA is an innocent healthy snack. The nutrition label contains in one cup 11.42 grams of sugar. That should be an eye opener for you because bacteria grows in sugar cultures. Biology 101.
You can't fight this poison called sugar included in most American foods and the US FDA knows it because the agency gets millions of dollars to approve these nutrition labels. My cat does not eat human foods and I don't see him losing his teeth. That's the big picture.

Blame US FDA For Your Teeth Loss

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Blame Microsoft For Your Heart Attack

Anxiety, frustration and bad health. That's what you will expect from this business named Microsoft and their products. Until now, I have noticed no one has researched how computers, in particular with Windows OS platforms, are affecting your lifestyle with detrimental effects.
Of course, if you're young you will not notice the accelerated heart beat of your heart trying to resolve a problem, whether the computer does not boot any more or buying and installing digital products that are not compatible with Microsoft drivers and structure. That's how Microsoft avoids its liability phasing products year after year and producing disclaimers from the top saying this or that product are not supported any longer. Please buy a new and better product as we will continue to support them, but the truth is company support ends after few years.
It is time you take a look at your old heart and examine the contributing environmental factors that will produce your heart attack and hide your silent heart disease? I think human factors experts are not telling you the real truth. My humble opinion as a concerned customer.

Your Microsoft Heart Attack

Sunday, February 9, 2014

SCREW Samsung Products Without Replaceable Batteries

First was Palm Co, then Apple and now Samsung is the latest to start selling products without replaceable batteries. Don't buy these products (no Pods or Players with Li-Ion rechargeable batteries).
If you study Physics, you know batteries have a limited lifetime and the more you recharge them the less they work eventually. It's a fading curve and batteries don't last more than 5 years. These companies know that and make money selling new prodcuts.
Don't be stupid. Show your consumer power and force them to install replaceable batteries in your device. A replaceable battery costs no more than $20. A repair will cost you more than the original device's cost. Don't be stupid!!!

Screw Samsung Products Without Replaceable Batteries

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Say NO to AAA Car Insurance Bumper Sticker

I got an increase of more than $100 in my AAA car insurance this year for no reason. Same car, low mileage and good driving record without tickets for 25 years. If you feel you're in the same wagon, download my bumper sticker for your car and start shopping around for better auto insurance. I can only say one sentence: "THEY ARE THIEVES".

The AAA bumper sitcker is a good vector  high-resolution graphic and you can order it in any printing store. I use RedBubble. Hope you stay away from the AAA Mafia! I will not use their services any more....it really sucks!
Say NO to AAA Auto Insurance