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Votum Sanguinis Top Image

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Sensual Captiva Font - Dark Sexy Typography For Harlequin Romance Books

If you’re planning to submit your manuscript to Harlequin Romance publishers it is always a good idea to read carefully the submission guidelines. If your story shines and it is accepted I would like to congratulate you for your hard work. You’re on your way to become part of the mass-market fiction books.

Once it is approved, I would like to recommend you get the editors’ attention to my design blog. There are two things why readers pick up a Harlequin novel in bookstores. First the consumers look at the sensual art work and secondly, the dark erotica typography. Both involve the guilty pleasures of the content of your novel.

For example, I’ve made the sexy Captiva font to give you an illustration on how dark erotica typography works. The font title should convey a vivid imagery of dark writing secrets in the reader’s mind and shares the theme and ambient of the main characters. Modern? Gothic? Fantasy? Spiritual? Rebelious?

Your next novel should have the same font style consistency if you write about the same romance theme. It is your trademark for success. My Captiva specialty font is available for licensing to romance publishing companies and I can design that special matching font for your novel. For further inquiries, contact darkvotum at gmail. Thanks for being a romance writer.

Captiva Font for Harlequin Romance Novels
Captiva Font Typography for Harlequin Romance Cover Books

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